People especially children love to watch Three Dimensional movies with the use of an eyeglass you will really felt that you were on the the scene while watching it. Especially if youre watching it on some special movie houses where there is an chair moving, water springkling and air blowing effects. You will get scared if watching horror movie in a Three Dimensional or Stereoscopic viewing.

But now you can even watch High Tech 3D Displays that match the best of modern know how with that decades old fascination on tv according to report I watch on tv Samsung is the only and the first that releases its 3D tv maybe in the Philippines but it already have a world wide release all over the world since last year Mitsubishi, IBM, Hyundai and other already released their version of 3D tv HD DLP TV and now even HD 3d DVD are now released. I realy like to own one, anyway 3D tv also capable of showing 2d FORMAT. How I wish I could get one.