About me - Beautiful two Days

Posted by Suplado | 1/23/2008 | | 0 comments »

Just recenty, I rang up my internet provider as I couldn't log in. I learned it would take two days before it goes back to normal as the company, I realized, had their cyclical maintenance. Two days of server maintenace for me means two days without work. This means two days without income from my online gig.

On second thought, maybe things happened for a reason. My newly wed friend Jomarie sent me an email regarding the photos of me and my son Kyle David which he saw posted in my Friendster account. He said I’m a good raiser and it shows on the photos. I was touched and realized the reason why I had to rest from my blogging for two days is that so I would be able to spend most of my time with my son.

I’ve spent most of these two days playing with Kyle while the world was at its frantic stage about what's happening in the US economy. Gasoline company increases its oil prices again and call center businesses were projected to go slow. I just don’t want to know and I don’t care since if you ask me these are all projections anyway. All we need is to strive more for our family and spend time with kids, since you can’t buy back time. Seeing your kids smiling, playing and saying "I love you, dad," as Kyle just did. This is all that matters to me